Score Card features

Open Score Card:
To open a class score card select the "Score" tab. If this is the first score card to be opened you will see an "Open Score Card" dialog, otherwise touch the "Open Class" button. Pick a class that you want to open from the drop down list and touch "OK". As a result the class score card will be opened and selected. When a class is opened a highlighted button for the class will be added to the "quick access bar". Up to 5 class score cards can be opened at one time.
Select Score Card:
When a class score card is opened it is automatically selected. To select another class score card touch the "quick access button" of the class you want to select. When a class score card is selected its class name is displayed and its quick access button will be highlighted, and any other quick access buttons will be dimmed.
Once a score card is selected entries can be added and scored. Entry information previously entered for the class is displayed when a score card is selected.
Close Score Card:
At any time you can close a class score card by "long pressing" the score card's "quick access button" and selecting the "CLOSE score card" option. All score card information is saved. The score card can be re-opened by touching the "Open Class" button and selecting the class from the list.
Score Card features
(Open, Select, Close)
Entry features
(Add, Delete, Move)
Jump Symbols features
Comments features
Numeric Score features
Jog Order features
Generated Score Card features
(Approve, Send, Print)
You Score Horses automates the scoring process so judges have more time to observe and evaluate horses and their riders.